🏠 **Home I πŸ”† Start My Day I πŸŒ™ End My Day I 🌐 My Projects I βœ“ My Tasks I 🚩 Widget**

<aside> πŸ’‘ This is your task manager widget. Copy the synced block to any page where you need to see your tasks at a glimpse to always stay up to date. Pro tip: create a separate column for it to create a Side Bar Effect.

Important: The side widget uses two separate synced blocks - one for Quick Capture & Today and another one for your daily checklist. Notion currently doesn't support synced blocks within synced blocks, so you need to paste both synced blocks separately.

First Block:

Quick Capture



Don't forget this block:

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c3fe2246-2105-4ef6-af67-68b528c0be3c/Pink_and_White_Aesthetic_Watercolor_Beauty_Salon_Logo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c3fe2246-2105-4ef6-af67-68b528c0be3c/Pink_and_White_Aesthetic_Watercolor_Beauty_Salon_Logo.png" width="40px" /> By Tokkaβ†’ **LinkedIn** | **Website** | **Blog** | **Instagram** | Email Hope this can help you know me more! **Thanks for treat me a** πŸ• !
