OMG THIS IS OVERKILL! I thought I was one cool pineapple. This same feature doesn't need a second database and all this complex logic. Turns out it's much simplier if you do it like this ‣

	I just wrote this super cool "Show" formula. Here's the thinking.
		- Are any of the day checkboxes true?
		- Is hour(now()) minute(now()) inside Start hour Start minute and End hour End minute?

	Next I want to make sure that if a task is overdue, it shows up all the time
		if(empty(prop("Do Date")) == false and dateBetween(prop("Do Date"), now(), "days") < 0, true, false)
if(empty(prop("Do Date")) == false and dateBetween(prop("Do Date"), now(), "days") < 0, true, if((day(now()) == 0 and prop("Sun") == "Yes")or(day(now()) == 1 and prop("Mon") == "Yes")or(day(now()) == 2 and prop("Tues") == "Yes")or(day(now()) == 3 and prop("Wed") == "Yes")or(day(now()) == 4 and prop("Thurs") =="Yes")or(day(now()) == 5 and prop("Fri") =="Yes")or(day(now()) == 6 and prop("Sat") =="Yes"),if(hour(now()) > toNumber(prop("Start hour")) or (hour(now()) == toNumber(prop("Start hour")) and minute(now()) >= toNumber(prop("Start minute"))),if(hour(now()) < toNumber(prop("End hour")) or (hour(now()) == toNumber(prop("End hour")) and minute(now()) <= toNumber(prop("End minute"))),true,false),false),false))

<aside> 🔑 To see how this works change the view to "Behind the Scenes".


Tasks for different time of day

<aside> 🔑 Create a Name for your category. and using 24 hour time turn a format like 9:30 - 14:30 into Start hour (9) and Start minute (30) and End hour (14) and End minute (30) Pick which days of the week this category is relevant.


Time of day Tags